All of these things have been on my mind lately. In the past month, I have come very close to making some very serious and permanent life decisions. However, I've also had this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that prevented me from making these decisions. The feeling is this: I want an adventure.
This isn't necessarily a new feeling, as you may know from reading previous blog posts, but it is becoming more concrete. I'm 25, with no mortgage, no children, no major financial burdens...this is THE TIME. Okay, maybe "the time" was actually three years ago right after I graduated college and didn't have a job yet. But, I was (and am) hopelessly in love and needed to finally live near my boyfriend (now husband)! I wouldn't have been happy to move to another country and teach English by myself, nor would I be happy doing that now (because, duh, I have a husband). :P
So, I guess what I'm discovering now is that my definition of adventure has changed. It doesn't have to mean living in a mud hut with dreadlocks and learning fluent Spanish (although the dreadlocks might be fun for a short time...). I think an adventure may just mean moving to a new place and exploring a different part of the country. I don't think I'm ready for us to settle down permanently just yet.
And no, I'm not saying that we are going to move tomorrow. It is just something that has been weighing on my mind a lot lately. I really don't feel any rush to live in one place longterm (I can probably thank my parents for that one - I still haven't lived in any place for longer than four years). There are just so many options! So many WARM options! Who knows where we could end up?
Before you freak out, dear family and friends, be comforted by the fact that we will be here for at least the next two years as I'm in school. But after that, I cannot make any promises. *SANFRANCISCODENVERBOSTONMAUISEATTLE* You just never know.