Happy Labor Day weekend, blogesphere!
I write to you from my new (mostly moved-in) place in the city. In the last two weeks, I have learned a lot of new things, which of course I'm going to share with you here.
When you put your TV in the basement, your amount of time spent watching it decreases dramatically. I know we've been busy unpacking and setting up house, but I can't even believe how little TV I've watched recently. Let's be honest, in the previous two years, I made up for the previous 10 (you know, those years when I was Miss Involved in soccer, dance, theater, youth group, clubs, etc.) in TV watching. I can justify it all I want ("being a working adult is exhausting"), but it's the truth. My point is that now that our main TV room is in the basement, it has become much more of an ordeal. Any time I need to refill a drink, go to the bathroom, eat a snack, or actually get phone service, I have to walk back upstairs. Now you are probably thinking that I am incredibly lazy. Well, I won't fight it, you are right.
My other point is this: if you are trying to cut something out of your life, put it in the farthest away space possible. Like if you are trying to lose weight, keep all the junk food in your garage. Or if you are trying to spend less time online, keep your computer in the...gosh I don't know, attic? I guess there aren't many other inconvenient places in a house. However, the opposite of this is true as well. When your laundry room is three flights of stairs away, doing laundry becomes a huge chore. We DREADED doing laundry and so we only did it about once every three weeks (a little embarrassing to admit), and at that time we would have at least four loads to wash. But now, we have a washer and dryer in our basement, and I am proud to say I can now wash one load at a time every few days! Therefore, if you want to add something to your life, put it in the most convenient place possible. Boom. Thus ends my great burst of wisdom.
You're welcome.
Let's see, what else do I have to tell you? Oh! Commuting to work is THE WORST! If you have the ability to move closer to your workplace, do it. Do it right now. In our previous apartment, I had a 30-40 minute commute to work and a 50-70 minute commute home. Now, I have a 10 minute commute both ways. TEN minutes! That is an extra hour and a half each day that I didn't have before. Things you can do in an hour and a half: watch an entire movie, drive to the grocery store/shop/drive home, attend a short wedding reception, exercise/shower/eat all the calories you just burned, sit on Facebook, have your cake and eat it too - you get the idea. Have I convinced you yet? Basically, everyone should just move to the city so we can all be neighbors and hang out all the time. :)
Okay, that's it for now. Once we buy a little more furniture, I will take some pictures of our new place and post them for your enjoyment. I leave you with the new Mumford and Sons single. Adios.
H - remember when we lived in Kearney and we had our TV in the basement? We had the exact same experience. We spent way more time reading, listening to music, and just hanging out together then we had previously. We also lost touch with all our formerly regular TV shows. And guess what - we never missed them! Way to go.